The Book of Joseph

Submitted by Joseph Miles
on September 20, 2013


“At the end of the first of five years searching for the Ultimate Theory, physicists came up with the Superposition Outcome Theory, which had the ability to predict the outcomes of any theoretical or physical superposition of any matter. In short the effects of the SOT were revolutionary, allowing for the first time the solution of some of the most boggling quantum conundrums. . .”


Raff looked at the tattered book, anonymous on all sides, but old, leather dusty and worn. He opened the book to the first page, which read:

                My name is Issac Joseph and this book is the chronological account of events that will happen, indefinitely. I have used the quantum mechanical many worlds interpretation of the universe to conjecture that the universe is in a constant state of superposition, thus enabling me to implement the equations of the Superposition Outcome Theory to predict the future. Use this book with supreme CAUTION, Altman, WITH SUPREME CAUTION!


The Book was dangerous, infinitely more dangerous than any weapon ever conceived; it had to be destroyed thought Raff as he starred at the leather cover. It had to be destroyed.


“This is the end, Altman, hand over the Book,” said the voice as it echoed around the dark room.

“You can’t have it; the Book of Joseph has to be destroyed,”

“Don’t force me, Raff, besides, read the Book – it will tell you the ultimate outcome.”

“NO!” yelled Raff as he ran at the voice, hitting the man in the chest with the book and sprinted out the door and into the night.


Raff opened the Book to page 230, the page that hopefully was blank, hopefully would be the signal to destroy it. But as he turned to the page, his heart dropped as more writing was revealed. It read:

                Raff, I know what you wish to do, but fate has destined this book to never be destroyed; it must and will survive into the future, against any and all odds.

“That’s impossible!” Raff screamed at the Book, hurling it across the candle lit room, mind reeling at the impossibility of the man’s accuracy. It landed face up, still open to the 230th page. Raff’s curiosity and horror forced him to pick up the book.

                It’s not impossible, Raff. The future has yet to be changed. The fact that you have not destroyed this book but instead decided to read it further tells me that the equations have held strong. Read on, Raff Altman, you are destined to read the Book of Joseph till the end.

Joseph Miles is a high school junior that marvels at the wonders of the universe, but likes to contemplate the strange and mysterious.

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